Ritual, Initiation and Apocalypse. A Different take on Masks.

Is it possible that there could be something much deeper going on “behind the Mask”?

I believe there is. In order to begin to understand and potentially accept this possibility.  Let us begin with some basic definitions of some key components of what could be going on here. 

“Ritual”: Can simply be defined as “a changing of the mind through the consistent input with the intent to alter thought and influence action”.

 “Initiation”: Can be defined as a process where a person is taken in and taught a new way of relating to the world. A new way to operate in and view the world. A rite of passage marking the entrance or acceptance into a group or society. In an extended sense it can also signify a transformation in which the initiate is ‘reborn’ into a new role.

 “Apocalypse” In etymology, can be defined as: The falling away of the skin from the face. (The removal of the “mask” if you will) Or “The great uncovering or unveiling”. 

In many therapeutic models it is taught that the “Identification” and “the taking off” of the masks can be very revealing and liberating.

The idea being that by identifying what personas we hide behind, why and where they originate from can lead to the “uncovering” of the more deeply rooted traumas and pain which can lead to healing.

As the poet RUMI States:  

With this in mind. The very idea of “wearing a mask” is counter to the process of healing and therefore can create more trauma and more deeply embed existing trauma by perpetuating the suppression of it.

If the true, deeper intention was to enter the masses into some sort of ritualistic initiation of transformation.

“I can think of no better catalyst than the threat of eminent death”

The 2 most probable of this threat of death would be:

  1. War! The actual threat of a bomb exploding in your neighborhood or city. This one has been used for centuries to control outcomes and manipulate societies.Yet has its obvious flaws. And…
  2. Health!. A threat to our personal health. Such as a Virus. This one makes more sense as it would not eliminate all of the population or destroy the land and all that resides on it. It also has MANY more benefits relating to legislative, political, and monetary policies. As well as phycological, social and economic impacts. 

An Initiation Ritual has 3 stages:

  1. Isolation (sound familiar) for purification.

The separation from the mundane. (Mundane = of the world). So to separate from the world.

The idea in this phase is to detach, purge and purify.

Includes the suspension of the usual. The normal rules and ways of living. So to emerge with “a new normal”. (See it yet?)

All overseen by “the high priestess”, the one directing the ritual. (I ask you: Who would you think this role is being played by in our current scenario?)

All of this enabling a “new thought” to be adopted. A new paradigm (model of the world) begins to be formed.

Subtly speaking to this idea of a “higher purpose” some “higher calling” one can participate in or live into. 

“stay home”. “protect yourself”. “protect others”. “social distance”. and my favorite “#alonetogether”. (Do you hear it yet?). WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER IS THE THEME! (Have you read the WEF’s “Build Back Better” document? Or the “Lockstep” document by The Rockefeller Foundation?) Read them then decide for yourself what they mean.  


In the Initiation ritual the wearing of the mask symbolizes: ”the death of an identification/identity” to facilitate a new one. “Masks hasten the suppression of ego to help facilitate the death of the old identity before the identification with, and the manifestation of, a new identity” –

“Trauma” plays a key role. This use of “fear of eminent death” is the primer.

Thus the role of death plays a keys role. Look for a public sacrifice of some sort to be offered up. To then be portrayed as some sort of hero. (Can you think of anyone? Does this ring any bells? GF. Many potential agendas at play here) 

This is the next level of subconscious manipulation that begins taking place. I believe there is an unconscious desire at some level we all carry as humans, “to be the hero”. And at this stage this begins to play its role.

Implanting the subconscious seed of “if I go along, I too can become a hero”.  “I Can literally save someone’s life”. Activating within the subconscious the desire to “be the savior”. Commonly  referred to as “The Messiah complex”. 

But it is only a false, surface level facade. Fooling the initiate into the idea that they have “faced their shadow” by doing “good work”. Allowing the further suppression of any trauma and wounding to perpetuate and even deepen.

When I look at the definition of compassion being “the ability to parent oneself when wounded”. It seems the requirement of masking could take away our ability, desire and opportunity to parent ourselves. This is debilitating territory when it comes to ones own sovereignty and sense of individuated expression and the empowerment of self.

My own personal work around these ideas has revealed to me that there indeed was this unconscious desire to save another. To serve them in some way that could make a positive difference in their lives. Over time I discovered this was rooted in some deeper woundings and traumas related to the idea of feeling unworthy and that this stemmed from not getting the emotional connection I thought I needed as a child. Which led to the more surface level wounds of the need for validation, acknowledgment and co-dependancy.

It is my sense that this is where statements like “we tend to give the advice we most need to follow” may come from.

There are deeply unconscious belief systems being activated through the suppression of trauma in conjunction with these unconscious, surface level opportunities being presented to the masses to somehow serve one another. Such as “the wearing of the mask” to “save another”. Or “It’s not about me, it’s about them” commonly heard as the reasoning.

Honestly, I just wanted to feel better about myself. So to offer another advice I thought would serve them, whether welcomed or not, seemed to be a great way to accomplish this. One of the lessons learned here was that “Unsolicited advice” is not well received. Perhaps this is part of why there is such passionate response, frustration and division regarding the wearing of masks.

Another lesson to be learned here is to only Teach what I’ve healed. There is a different energetic fingerprint that can be felt when one speaks from a place of embodied truth as opposed to this falsified sense of entitled “to do right by others.” When a person has done any real inner work, ungrounded beliefs have a tendency to manifest outwardly in the form of the seeking to get them validated by others. Sometimes forcefully. And anything that has to forced upon another meets with conflict, division, mis-trust and separation.

I can tell you from experience. It is not easy to do the deep inner work. The kind that forces a person to look at all of their shit. All their pain, traumas and wounds. To confront one’s own flaws is to take on full responsibility for all aspects of life. The good and the bad. This can be extremely difficult because along this path we get to allow others to own their part as well. (Translation: We have to confront those that we care about and have difficult conversations about how they, their actions, words and decisions have affected you in a (perceived) negative way)

And well…. this sucks. Because no one wants to deliberately hurt someone they care about. And yet by not doing this we are directly hurting ourselves by hindering our growth and ability to evolve. And indirectly harming others by taking the opportunity for them to do this same work.

My feeling as to why ore people do not do this work has to do with the idea that “people support what they want to hear”. Because that is easier to hear. And generally speaking, what most people do not want to hear is the Truth. And the Truth, for me, was that I needed to do the work so that I could heal what was deeply rooted that was causing me to want to save others when all I was really trying to do was save myself.

This is a pathway of Embodiment. And to “embody” is the result of moving through the process of “purifying the vessel”. This is very important to understand as it relates to the context of one being initiated. The main difference being: “who is doing the initiating or the purifying”.  Someone or something “outside” of you? Or you yourself? And what the intention behind it. The former tends to be rooted in some of manipulation,. The latter in purification and liberation.

My wish here is that maybe you can relate to some of this. And begin to see what is at play on some deeper levels here regarding a seemingly simple act as the wearing of a mask.

2nd stage: Transition. This is the time of the death of the old identity. The initiate has already been being primed to accept a new one. They have entered into the “tabula rasa”. Now the stage is set, the slate has been wiped clean . The initiate is ready to receive the new impression that will form the new paradigm. (a “new normal”)

Imagine how much harder it might be for a person to be unconsciously, unknowingly or even knowingly manipulated into a new way seeing the world, adopting new beliefs ect.. if they have already done the deep inner work. If they already know who they are and what they stand for. What they Value and Believe. Leading them to an understanding of what they will and will and will not accept. It cannot be done!

3rd stage: Integration. Although there has been some forms and beginnings of integration throughout this process. Final or permanent integration can take time. We have not officially entered this stage yet. .So I will come back to this at a later date. 

At this point there will generally be a continuation of many of the ritualistic manipulations taking place as well as newly formed structures being put in place behind the scenes. 

This is when the initiate is slowly re-introduced into the mundane. Yet now with a newly installed paradigm. Somewhat of a submissive. A non sovereign entity simply standing by waiting for orders. Keep in mind, as things have been shifting inwardly for the masses, things have also been being put in place in the world to ensure the transition sticks. (IE: The censoring of any information in opposition to the newly desired programming. SEL, (re-engineered) Social Emotional Learning modalities that have permeating every aspect of life for decades. Just 2 of potentially  hundreds) 

The video below does a great job of walking us through the process. I’d invite you to pay close attention. Thank you to for this potent work.


Whether you want to recognize it, or even see it or not. We (Society as a whole) have been entered into an Initiation. 

Which side you come out on is up to you. YOU are in control.  

You can allow yourself to continue to be indoctrinated into slavery 


Liberated into Freedom!

What determines the outcome you may be asking? ONE THING! “YOUR CONSENT”!


Within this opportunity we begin to redefine these terms and processes to serve us.  These are the beginnings of how we turn the tides by taking back our power.

Initiation = “Self Evolution”  Self, consciously chosen evolutionary development. Taking these evolutionary steps at a much faster pace than humanity. Self initiated growth and development. A naturally unfolding organic process of awakening written into the evolutionary code of all life. 

Sometimes, Initiation can take the form of sudden direct mystical experience, intense inner vision, profound external shock or a deep heart-opening experience. At other times, Initiation can go on for years, silently and subtly opening us to greater and greater inner horizons. Depending on the Initiation, the experience can be very different from person to person.

In either case you, the collective of all Humanity, can be liberated through this transformational process (of isolation and social distancing) we have been gifted.  

 What gift you may be asking?  THE GIFT OF INTROSPECTION. To look inward. 

Evolution always happens through Crisis or Chaos, This Crisis is the opportunity. A profound external shock to stimulate a deep heart-opening that could jolt us into remembrance.

WHAT IF? What if we are being asked to do what we should have been doing all along. Going deep within ourselves to reveal and heal our deepest wounds, traumas and pain. 

This Clarion Call if you will. “This Great Turning and The Great Change will demand simply one thing of us, the reconciliation of our own shadows, our own darkness.  The more we do, the more we see” (credit for quote to) – Giving Business Soul

Drawing from the well of Spiritual phycology and ancient wisdom traditions we are told that “Our external circumstances are simply a reflection of our inner realities”. 

Meaning: That what we are seeing manifesting on the planet on the macro level is merely a reflection of what is going on within us all individually on a collective level. 

More simply stated: What we see manifesting in the outer world is simply a reflection of the collective inner worlds and realities of us all individually.

WHAT IF what we are seeing now is simply a reflection of what needs to be healed within Humanity? The darkest parts of ourselves that have not been revealed. WHAT IF we look at this as an opportunity to bring light to our darkest shadows. Then parts of us that we have taught to suppress. 

This is the gift we have been given. As what we repress we repeat. And the mask is symbol of repression.  

We live in a society run by systems that unconsciously teach us to suppress and repress. And with and economic system fueled by keeping us in trauma and addiction. We are taught that happiness can only be found “outside” of us. 

Allowing ourselves to be indoctrinated into this manifestation of mindless consumers caught up in this web of comparison that leads only to the perpetuation of the constant desire to “search” for something that simply cannot be found where we have been conditioned to look. “Outside of ourselves” 

This “keeping up with the jones” mentality has slowly eroded away at our own Personal Freedoms allowing our consciousness to be held captive as it began to be replaced by the need to conform to a script written by a system that does not have our best interests in mind.

All the while most have never even taught, let alone actually began to look inward. As the old saying goes “Happiness is an inside job”. I say…So is everything else that truly matters in this world. 

JOIN ME in the next installment of this series as we begin to dive deeper into what we can understand about ourselves and the world by looking inward and how we can use this understanding to transform the landscape of what we are moving through as a collective.

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